My Passionate Interests: The Things that Ground Me

Hey All!

I am someone who often struggles with anxiety and feeling overwhelmed in some capacity. For me this sense of being overwhelmed that can lead to me sometimes having a bit of a meltdown can be caused by a few different things, including sensory overload, social overload and life stress. When and if my anxiety and capacity for becoming overwhelmed results in a meltdown this can be incredibly draining both emotional and physical, requiring time to recover. This capacity for overload has been an aspect of who I am for as long as I can remember. However, one thing that I find can be a great comfort and aid when either avoiding or recovering from overload are my particular strong interests. For me these can go beyond just hobbies or likes, these are the things that ground me when everything is too much and are the things that I could indulge in endlessly. Today I thought I would tell you about a few of my most passionate interests, and maybe give you a fact about each.

1. Winnie the Pooh: Perhaps my strongest and most long-lasting interest is Winnie-the-Pooh. As a child I absolutely adored Winnie-the-Pooh and this love has not faded with time. I have continued to watch the films and tv series when I need something to calm and comfort me, and I love all my Winnie the Pooh related possessions, such as books, plushes and DVDs. Recently, Winnie-the-Pooh has been particular important to me as I have been frequently feeling overwhelmed and something I have found to be especially comforting is my 'Book of Winnie the Pooh' where I have been collecting information about this interest. I have loved collecting facts and creating decorated spreads about the different characters whenever I am stressed or everything is too much. Did you know that the character Winnie the Pooh first appeared in colour in 1932?

2. Dinosaurs: I find Dinosaurs absolutely fascinating and it's a topic about which there is always more to learn. Studying in London, the Natural History Museum became an important safe space for me this year whenever I felt overloaded as it was somewhere I could shut off and focus upon my interest. I loved going with others to share my interest but also loved going alone whenever I needed to calm down or unwind. I love learn about the different types of dinosaurs and the periods in which they lived, as well as collecting plushes and books. My favourite dinosaur at the moment is the Pachycephalosaurus. Did you know the Dinosaurs suffered from arthritis just like humans?

3. Collecting Things: This one is slightly as it can encompass many sub-interests but all the same it has also provided me with emense comfort. I have collected many things over the years, such as snow-globes, records, stamps, coins, Funko figures, Doctor Who cards, Lego, Match Attax, crystals, etc. Collecting things can help calm me down when I am overwhelmed in many different ways. I can organise my collections, research them, look for more to add to my collection. Even just looking at my collections can be soothing and their mere presence can be comforting. Some may think this to be materialistic but to me the importance of these objects is not in their monetary value but rather in their sentimental and personal significance. I have always and will always be a collector.

These are just a few of my passionate interests but I have and have had many, many interests. Others include Jaqueline Wilson, Elton John, magic, Golden Girls, horses, Adventure Time, Lilo and Stitch, etc. To some people some of these interests may seem childish or odd but ultimately I enjoy them and they help me cope with everyday life so that's all that matters. I might be passionate about these things in a way that some people may not understand but that is because for me they are more than hobbies, they are coping mechanisms and they are some of the things that give me more joy than anything else in the world. If something makes you that happy never let go of it! As long something helps you and doesn't harm anyone else go for it! Getting lost in all these interests help me to be a little less anxious and that's awesome!

What are some of the things that you enjoy or help you stay calm?

See you later Alligators!




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