Access to Sign Language within the Disabled Community


Hope you are well. I've been pretty overwhelmed recently but today I wanted to discuss the access to BSL (British Sign Language) within our community. I've personally wanted to start learning BSL for sometime now, but along with being busy it's difficult to know my place within this particular space. BSL isn't just for the severely deaf but is used by many within the hard of hearing community who may struggle with clarity or understanding. Furthermore, sign language can be used by many without hearing problems but who struggle with communication for any reason, such as those living on the autistic spectrum.

My hearing loss is mild. In 1:1 conversations or when I'm watching something on my own I can cope without my hearing aids. However, in loud or heightened social situations I can definitely struggle to gain clarity and fully know what is going on around me. In these kinds of circumstances knowing some basic BSL and being able to share that knowledge with my friends would be incredibly useful. It would mean that I'd get a fuller comprehension of what is happening around me on nights out or in intense sensory situations. It would mean that I would feel better equipped to communicate with those around me, particularly those who wish to look out for me or who care about me.

This desire to learn is only increased by some of my communication difficulties stemming from my ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition). It's not only those of us who are non-verbal who struggle to talk. Some days I barely want to say a word, especially in those intense and overwhelming circumstances. Regardless, I either shut myself in or keeping talking because I'm expected to. Knowing some sign language and sharing that with those I love might mean that I can better communicate when I feel
myself shutting off, possibly reducing the overload.

So do I learn? Do I look for a teaching community? Do I have a place in all of this? I'm not entirely sure but what I do know is that sign language shouldn't be limited to some and kept away from those who may need it.

Look after yourself.

See you later Alligator!

Love Freya x


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