
Showing posts from April, 2019

My Autism Does Affect Me

Hey! I hope you've had a great week and if you were involved I hope you had a fab Autism Awareness Week! Today I wanted to talk about autism again because something I experience a lot, including recently, is people questioning how autistic I am. Quite often the way it's worded isn't suggesting that I'm not autistic but rather that I'm not THAT autistic, which is still frustrating because it can feel like the ways in which I do struggle are being undermined. Today I thought I'd talk about why this might be an impression that some people have of me and why it can be SUPER annoying! First, different people see different sides of me. This can be for a number of reasons; how close we are, what kind of situations we experience together and how often we see each other. Masking is a common trait among those on the spectrum. It's not so much that we're being fact, we're still us, but simply that we might be focusing really hard on things such as social sk...

My Autism: The Full(ish) Story

Hey! I hope that everyone, both those who are neurodiverse and those who are not, is having an awesome Autism Awareness Week! This week is a great opportunity to share and hear many amazing stories from those on the spectrum, and potentially learn something new whether you are autistic or not! Today, at the halfway mark of the week, I thought that I would share a slightly fuller story of my experience with autism as an autistic person who was diagnosed less than a year ago. Around the time of my diagnosis I did share what that process was like for me. However, many of those who received later ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition) or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) diagnosis will tell you, your story is never quite as simple as having a suspicion, seeing a doctor and being diagnosed. That is what I wanted to talk about today. (Freya is 12 years old and standing in a rock pool, looking rather cold) In my diagnosis post I spoke about seeing a doctor about my experiences during sixth f...

Autism Awareness Week: My First AAW Post-Diagnosis

Hey! Hope you are well! Sorry for the short break, things are really tough at the moment but I am working on getting help. But I'm back, and just in time for Autism Awareness Week! This last year, following my own diagnosis of ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition) last summer, autism has kind of become it's own special interest for me. This isn't uncommon from what I've heard of other's diagnosis experiences, many of us on the spectrum enjoy intense research and figuring things out and a diagnosis which could help to explain a lifetime of difficulties is a big deal. A big part of this year has been figuring out what autism means for me and raising awareness to the fact that I am autistic to those around me, both for my own sake and for the wider community. My first AAW has come at a weird time for me. My mental health is in a very difficult place right now, as I continue to struggle with depression and anxiety as well as the consequences of how I deal with these conditi...